Outside Temperature | 44.1°F |
Wind Chill | 40.6°F |
Heat Index | 44.1°F |
Dewpoint | 32.7°F |
Humidity | 64% |
Barometer | 1042.7 mbar |
Barometer Trend (3 hours) | -2.9 mbar |
Wind Gust | 6 mph from 45° (NE) |
Rain Rate | 0.00 in/hr |
Inside Temperature | 73.1°F |
Barn Temperature | 46.0°F |
High Temperature Low Temperature |
44.2°F at 14:02:09 33.2°F at 04:47:06 |
High Heat Index Low Wind Chill |
44.2°F at 14:02:09 27.6°F at 08:18:14 |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
79% at 04:38:22 62% at 12:11:57 |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint |
33.2°F at 14:02:09 25.9°F at 08:24:43 |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
1046.0 mbar at 10:43:59 1041.7 mbar at 00:00:01 |
Today's Rain | 0.00 in |
High Rain Rate | 0.00 in/hr at 00:00:01 |
High Wind | 9 mph from 56° at 08:18:14 |
Average Wind | 1 mph |
RMS Wind | 1 mph |
Vector Average Speed Vector Average Direction |
1 mph 52° |
High Inside Temperature Low Inside Temperature |
73.4°F at 08:52:58 71.9°F at 06:52:58 |
High Barn Temperature Low Barn Temperature |
46.0°F at 13:02:01 39.0°F at 05:13:52 |
Latitude: | 37° 40.92' N |
Longitude: | 076° 37.26' W |
Altitude: | 20 feet |
This station uses a Vantage Pro2, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.
Weewx uptime: 27 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes
Server uptime: 27 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes
weewx v4.0.0
Sunrise: | 07:13:06 |
Sunset: | 16:48:30 |
Moon Phase: | Full (98% full) |